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Sunday, December 27, 2009

I never thought that I would understand the power of love or making love while watching a porno. I mean, pornography is almost a farce of real sex. It’s almost like it’s turned sexuality on it’s head and in pure pornographic style, stuck it’s dick in it. Pornography is most of the time beyond fake and so far up it’s own ass in insane fantasy world that it turns completely stupid. In fact, it turns stupid to aspire to be such. As a pornographic star, he or she knows that their body is seen by lots of people in it’s most intimate ways but are not concerned with things like story and accurate representation of the real world of meetings and social interactions.

It is exactly the same kind of fantasy that never should have been created to begin with. I suppose that those same people are just trying to make some cash to support a family and pay their bills but this has forced completely uncreative souls to take the helms. A man walks into a store, tells a woman that she has a nice body and then take her home to fuck her for 35 minutes because he took some pill.

Fuck. There is another interesting thing. Only people in porn films fuck, for the rest of the human population, they’re not interested in fucking. Most of them want to make love, serious love with the other person, for it to be a closed intimate affair of a bond that is felt deeply within both individuals. That you feel something special for this person only, but we all know that times change and people change so we are driven to others. We always seek out to truly be in love and make love unless you’re a complete narcissist who prides himself on quantity and not quality. Usually though, people who seek out the porn sex are just going through a rough faze. In time, they will get old and weary and see how empty their lives are then they will seek out true love or face loneliness.

We have progressed in such a way that even tribal people, on some level, understand the meaning of the union of two people and that it is sacred. They understand pain, loss, hurt. Even they would not make love the way people in pornographic movies do. To do it like that in real life is to not enjoy the act at all, that now it has became a game or a competition.

Porn has bestowed a stupidity about sex, so to say. I always admire movies where the sex scenes are realistically portrayed. I find it more titillating than outright porn. I see skill, truth and dignity in those scenes.

But that being said, I still get off on porno. All hail the humble hypocrite!

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