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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The original post has been deleted because the person who this post was addressed to didn't give a fuck. Not a tiny-winy bit of it. So I deleted this post.
Now I'm not gonna complain or crib or even bitch about that person because that person didn't give a fuck. And if that person hasn't given a fuck, I shouldn't complain or crib or bitch about that person. Because if I do, that'll mean I give a fuck. And if I give a fuck, I expect to be given a fuck in return, (which would be great). But sadly, that person hasn't given a fuck.
If you're wondering what this post is all about, well, it's a stoned thought. And stoned thoughts should be put down to paper as soon as you get em' or else you won't remember it when you're un-stoned. Also, stoned thoughts are clear thoughts written in un-clear language and vice-versa. And they're profound. And genius. And everything associated with the word 'awesome'.
If you still can't figure out what I'm talking about all this while, read between the lines.

For now, I've got the munchies. Until next time.

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