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Thursday, November 17, 2011

This is your last resort!

At some point, stoners face the problem when it comes to the regular flow of stuff when their 'sources' get busted or they simply just run out of cash. And we all know how important it is for the stoner to have that constant 'highness'. Alien Midget understands that.

Hence, Alien Midget came up with inexpensive yet effective ways of getting high which he would like to share with all of you over time. These techniques may not give you the high that your stuff normally would, but nevertheless, it's much better than nothing.

The spinning demon
To get really high using this technique, all you need is a swivel chair and a helping hand. Adjust your chair well & make sure you're seated comfortably. Don't get too comfortable or else you'll end up snoring away to glory.

Now, ask your friend to begin spinning the chair slowly. This is very important and ideally your friend should spin the chair around 28-30 times a minute. Once your head is accustomed to the spinning, tell your friend to up the ante a bit and spin the chair faster. And faster. And faster. And even more faster, till it touches around 80-90 or maximum 100 rotations a minute. The spinning should last for a minimum 5 minutes for effective results.

Once you feel "Its high time", yell at your friend to stop immediately. Your friend would then have to bring the spinning demon to an instant halt.

Are you high now?

I bet your high ass you are!

After a while, I'm pretty sure you'd be normal again, so Alien Midget suggests that you repeat this procedure 8 times in 2 hrs to maintain a continuous high.

Alien Midget certified highness: 3/5.

to be continued...

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