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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Coffee has made me sleepy. Tea is awesome

I had coffee. It made me sleepy. Maybe it was coffee suffering from a deep seated identity crisis that caused it to stop caring about its job, say 'I quit', become lazy and consequently go on to infect anybody else who had gone on to drink its lazy ass. I was one such victim.

The fact that I'm posting this at 3:21 AM has nothing to do with the coffee I drank. I frequently stay up, watch pornography and then jump from building to building and eat flies. You may have heard of me as the "The Toad Man" or "The Frog Man". Keep in mind that I bear no resemblance to the "Milk Man" or the "Post Man" or the "Beer Man" and I strictly bear no resemblance to "The Man".

If you're wondering, the pornography makes me the "Frog Man" (or "The Croaky Hopper" as I like to call myself). You know how the Hulk needs to get angry to turn into the hulk, likewise, the Croaky Hopper needs pornography.

Anyway today, there happens to be a shortage of flies and I feel rather enlightened after hopping all the way to the Himalayas and meeting a bunch of sadhus who gave me cool things to smoke, eat and drink that caused all these wise words to come forth from me. I don't know if they are actually wise but the fact that I'm seeing women transform into metallic gates should be testimony enough that typing this is quite an accomplishment. Be proud of me, dammit.

Sorry about that, its just that there isn't much porn or flies in these mountains and I was disappointed to not find any yetis either. Ok scratch that, this thing that looks like a yeti is in the corner of the room eating a lollipop made of noodles. I expected yetis to be big and fearsome, this one is about 3 feet tall and apparently has no genitals and hence no discernible gender. This should put a rest to the term the abominable snow-'man' as it looks like the abominable snow-'WTF?'

Never mind that. Maybe coffee in the himalayas just isn't as good as it is in Panama. Those Hispanics make good coffee. It puts you to sleep really fast and makes your wallet and worldly possessions that you have with you disappear. It was so cool. It only worked once though. Maybe it was because I didn't have anything more to give the coffee god or maybe it is because pornography makes me half man and half reptile or maybe it was just beginners luck.

Anyway, the people here make awesome tea. It's all they drink in terms of hot beverages. FYI, yak milk, not so bad. Tea is awesome. The next time I'm out catching flies, I'm going to keep a flask of tea ready and a spoon to dissolve the flies in.

Tea is good.

Frog porno below. Not as good as human porno. I watch human porno in my human self. Frog porno, I just do in my spare time for extra cash but I don't watch the stuff. This is a still from one of my fetish movies. I'm in costume because I like playing roles as it gives me a chance to really get into a characters head. Viewer discretion is advised. Do not scroll down if you are below 18 years of age or are sensitive to sexual imagery.

image from

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